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Neutrino LC OGI
Coming Summer  24

AerialOGI Logo

Neutrino LC OGI
Coming Summer  24

Instant LDAR Reporting

Instant Reporting
Detect leaks quicker and seamlessly report them to your repair team with a click of a button.

Gain Compliance

Enhance Safety

SwitchBlade-Elite Neutrino OGI

Industry Leading
Detection Capability

High Sensitivity (NETD <35 mK in VGA mode, <20 mK in Bin mode)

Industry leading high sensitivity allows for the detection of smaller temperature variations, making it excellent for detecting gas leaks and other heat-related issues in industrial settings.

Best-in-Class Image Clarity 

Features like histogram equalization and dynamic detail enhancement improve image quality and visibility in complex scenes.

Advanced image processing ensures clear visualization even in complex scenes, aiding in more accurate diagnostics and decision-making.

SwitchBlade-Elite and Neutrino OGI

Focus on Critical Details

640 x 512 VGA array with digital zoom up to 8x

Zoom capabilities allow for detailed inspections of specific areas without
physical repositioning, crucial for safety and efficiency in hazardous environments.

35 Minute Max Flight Time

Power Consumption (<12W during cooldown, <5.25W in steady state)

Low power consumption and less weight, means longer use in
the field, particularly advantageous for remote or continuous monitoring tasks.