Benefits and Major Uses of Drones in Construction

by | Jul 14, 2021 | Construction

The construction industry has been one of the most significant contributors to global economic growth. It is a massive industry that has seen a lot of technological advancements, and drones are one of the most recent significant breakthroughs. They have changed the way the construction industry works and have provided numerous benefits. This article covers the major uses and benefits emerging from the use of drones in construction.

one of the uses for drones in construction - project monitoring

Major Uses of Drones in Construction

Site Surveying

Site surveying is one of the most critical stages in the construction process. It involves collecting data and information about the site, including topography, elevations, and other features. Drones have made site surveying more efficient and accurate than ever before. UAS capture high-resolution images and videos of the site, providing detailed information about the site’s condition. The data also creates 3D models and maps of the site, which can be used for planning and design.

Inspection and Monitoring

Construction sites are hazardous environments, and inspections are essential to ensure the safety of workers and the public. Drones also inspect and monitor construction sites, therefore reducing the need for workers to climb scaffolding or work in harm’s way. Drones can capture high-resolution images and videos of structures. This data highlights any issues to be addressed. Drones also monitor progress, ensuring that the construction is on schedule.

Construction Progress Tracking

Construction progress tracking is essential to ensure that the project is on schedule and within budget. Drones capture images and videos of the construction site, allowing project managers to track progress in real-time. This information informs decisions about the project’s direction and identifies potential problems before they become significant issues.

Health and Safety Inspections

Health and safety inspections are essential to ensure that construction sites are safe for workers and the public. Drones inspect and identify any health and safety hazards on the construction site. They also can capture high-resolution images and videos of the site, providing detailed information about any potential hazards. This information helps make informed decisions about how to address any issues and ensure the safety of workers and the public.

Benefits of Using Drones in Construction


Using drones for your construction project can save time and increase efficiency. Drones can quickly capture high-resolution images and videos of the site, reducing the time it takes to collect data manually. Drones fly high overhead to inspect and monitor construction sites, reducing the need for workers to work at height and in dangerous areas.


Using drones in construction can also be cost-effective. Drones are relatively inexpensive compared to traditional surveying and inspection methods. Drones can also reduce the need for workers to work at height and in dangerous areas, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Construction Drones Improve Safety

Safety is one of the most significant benefits of using drones. UAS inspect and monitor construction sites, reducing the need for workers to work at height and in dangerous areas. This reduces the risk of accidents and injuries, making construction sites safer for workers and the public.

Increased Accuracy

Drones can capture high-resolution images and videos of construction sites, providing detailed information about the site’s condition. This information generates 3D models and maps of the site, allowing for accurate planning and design. Drones also inspect structures and identify problems that need to be addressed.

Real-Time Data

Drones can capture real-time data about construction sites, allowing project managers to track progress and make informed decisions. This information can be used to identify potential problems before they become significant issues, ensuring that the construction project stays on schedule and within budget.

Vector carrying a LiDAR payload near a bridge for inspection
Drone carrying a LiDAR payload.


Drones have revolutionized the construction industry, providing numerous benefits such as time-saving, cost-effectiveness, improved safety, increased accuracy, real-time data, and environmental benefits. Construction UASs are used form many purposes including site surveying, inspection, project monitoring, and more.

If you are looking to revolutionize your construction project, consider using Vision Aerial drone platforms. Our drones for construction are designed to be highly adaptable so they can be equipped with the latest technology, allowing you to get the most state-of-the-art data. With capability of carrying various payloads, Vision Aerial platforms are used for site surveying, inspection, and monitoring, construction progress tracking, and health and safety inspections.

Using our drones can save you time and money, improve safety, and provide real-time data about your construction project. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you transform your construction project with our drone services.

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