Drones for Construction

Improve project performance and job site safety.

American flag to depict Vision Aerial drones made in America

Vision Aerial drones are proudly made in America.

Benefits of Using Drones for Construction

Vision Aerial drones for construction are versatile, rugged, and reliable. They can help you improve construction projects throughout the entire life cycle. Project planning, tracking, and cross-team communication in the construction industry have always been a challenge. It is not uncommon for construction projects to finish over budget and behind schedule. What if you could measure more accurately and improve safety? If your team could monitor project progress thoroughly would that improve things? Would you like to identify problems earlier? 

Industry Applications:

  • Progress Reporting
  • Inspections
  • Marketing
  • Optimize Grading Plans
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Ensure Accuracy

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Increase Safety

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Improve Communication

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Elevate Project Performance

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Why Vision Aerial?

Benefit From More Accurate Measurements

Drones for construction allow managers to better plan and manage their projects. This is because drones gather highly accurate measurements and improve visibility.

At the beginning of a project, create site maps and surveys with point clouds, digital terrain models (DTM), and digital surface models (DSM). Throughout the project, planned drone missions track and document progress with high-quality images. Verify subcontractor earth movement with precise volumetric cut/fill analysis. In sum, accurate measurements produce better bids, reduce waste, and improve overall project performance.

volumetric stockpile measurements
danger hard hat area sign at a construction site

Drones for Construction Improve Worker Safety

Drone workflows improve safety on construction sites. Surveyors and site managers stay out of the way of heavy equipment while the drone flies overhead. For example, drone inspections reach dangerous places like the top of a tower or the underside of a bridge during traffic. Furthermore, use drone data to identify potential risks. Analyze erection sequences, visualize crane locations, and see where job sites become congested. You could also map utilities to ensure work doesn’t encroach on buried hazards.

Improve Construction Project Communication

Track progress with automated, pre-planned drone missions. The images collected for record-keeping and project documentation display an accurate account. A picture is “worth a thousand words.” With that in mind, images shared with stakeholders provide a visual of work to be done or changes that need to be made. If a subcontractor moved the wrong pile of dirt, images and cut/fill analysis can be used to help clarify the situation.

construction workers looking at a laptop
aerial view of a construction project

Improve Project Performance with Data Persistence

Drone flights are pre-planned with mission control software, then performed on a regular basis. Job site managers use the images and data collected to track progress and check work against plans. Therefore, differences between as-designed and as-built are identified before they become a major issue. Regular scans with thermal sensors also detect water leaks and concrete inconsistencies early on.

Why Use Vision Aerial Drones for Construction?

Vision Aerial drones are easy to fly

Easy To Fly

Less than 4 hours of training time, intuitive controls, and ultra-smooth flight mean your team can focus on what matters.

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Capable Platforms

Long flight times combined with a substantial payload capacity ensure you have the power to get your job done.

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Highly Adaptable

Our drones can carry all the best-in-class cameras and sensors. They easily adapt to support your missions as they evolve.

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Rapid Deployment

Vision Aerial drones fold for easy transport. Go from case to flight in under 2 minutes.

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